ENIGMA Upgrades Scoring Capabilities

Enigma Interconnect is pleased to announce that it has added the AS-200-JM CNC V-Score System to its equipment roster!  The AS-200 provides the fastest score speed in the industry alongside the most accurate control system available.  With the AS-200 now fully operational, Enigma can handle complex customer requirements - including jump-scoring - with doubled speed and precision.

Best of all, the addition of the vertical AS-200 completes Enigma's 2019 improvement plan to significantly upgrade its scoring capabilities.

With the new AS-200 up and running, Enigma has designated its recently-purchased AS-100 score machine for aluminum scoring.  This machine is able to perform step-and-repeat scoring and palletization, cutting time - and costs - for aluminum boards by a significant margin.  Enigma expects the new aluminum scoring capabilities to be fully operational before the end of the month.

Excited by Enigma's new capabilities?  We are too!  Give us a call at 604-420-3313 to learn more about our improved equipment list, updated quality certifications and unparalleled customer service.  We look forward to showing you what we can do!


COVID-19 news: ENIGMA Interconnect deemed essential service